Robert Rankin, Voodoo Handbag, Signed For Louise

Robert Rankin, Voodoo Handbag,

Signed by the Author "For Louise"

Surfing the Web? Anyone can do that! Why not Try something really radical? Access the departed by body-boarding the Necronet. Never has it been more Easy. All you have to do is Enter the Soul Database by taking a left-hand turn off the Information Super-Highway and You’re there. In the Land Of the Virtual Dead. Send for details today. U know it makes sense.

If Billy had looked a little more carefully at the small ad, he might never have sold his grandma’s soul to science. But he didn’t, so he did. The cheque from NECROSOFT bounced and all Billy got left in the old girl’s will was the handbag. The Voodoo Handbag. The talking Voodoo Handbag. The tales it told Billy would change his life forever - and the lives of other people too. Those few who still had lives.

In what must surely rank as his most extraordinary work to date, the Teller of Tall Tales has combined his extensive knowledge of the occult with his unique brand of savage humour to produce a Techno-Gothic masterpiece guaranteed to send shivers down the spines of PC users everywhere.

Condition: Edges of pages wrinkled, and slightly discoloured.